Unexpected Rain Turns into Scariest ‘Don’t Tell Mom’ Moment Ever
It appears as though Hurricane Nora could deliver some heavy rain to Western Colorado in the coming days. Flash flood advisories should be expected around mid-week. Here's a reminder to pay attention to your surroundings when hiking this part of the country.
What began as a fun family outing rapidly turned into a situation gone bad. Watching the video, you can't help but think this bunch lucked out. Things could have been much worse. My guess is this guy is going to have some explaining to do when he gets home.

A Popular Hike Under Normal Circumstances
The video above was filmed at Little Wild Horse Slot Canyon. According to a post at utahmototrails.com:
Little Wild Horse Slot Canyon in the San Rafael Swell is one of the most popular slot canyon hikes in Utah, and for good reason. The trail head is easily accessible and within a relatively short distance from the trail head the canyon narrows and the adventure begins.
How Far From Grand Junction?
Okay, so this isn't Grand Junction, but it's not that far away. This location is about 155 miles west of Grand Junction.
One of the Truths of the Region
Weather in this neck of the woods can change at the drop of a hat. When your natural terrain is solid rock, it doesn't take long for water to begin seeking the lowest point. When that "lowest point" is you and the trail you happen to be on at the moment, that spells trouble.
Weather Outlook for the Week
According to the National Weather Service, the Grand Junction area can expect to see showers as early as Tuesday night, August 31. By Wednesday, that chance of showers increases to 70%.
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