Classic Images Chosen at Random From a Box Featuring Grand Junction Colorado Animals
Here's another gallery of Robert Grant images out of Grand Junction, Colorado. Today's subject - animals.
These prints were found in a box labeled "Dogs, Cats, Animals." A handful of prints were pulled from the box at random. Here's a quick look at classic photos right out of Grand Junction.
Robert Grant Photos From Grand Junction Colorado 1940s - 1970s
All of these images were taken by late Daily Sentinel photographer Robert Grant. The images here did not run in the paper. That's actually why it is I have them. These were prints Bob made that, shall we say, didn't make the cut. In other words, they're great shots, but for one reason or another, he didn't run them in the Daily Sentinel.
These were saved as part of his personal collection. My parents spent years sorting them as best they could. Regrettably, Bob Grant never wrote any information on his prints.
The Task at Hand
I enjoy getting these images in front of people. Most of these haven't been seen by anyone in over 40 years. Some of them haven't been in closer to 70 years.
What I have at home are boxes and file cabinets filled with thousands and thousands of prints and negatives, almost none of which include any information. This is where you come in. From time to time someone recognizes a face in one of these prints. They then get in touch with me, and voila - we have info.
See If You Recognize Anyone
It never fails. Every time I publish one of these galleries someone chimes in. More often than not they see one of their parents or perhaps an aunt or uncle. Every once in a while someone sees a young version of themselves in one of the prints. In most cases, I'm happy to hand over the print.