The mighty Desert Flyer Band continues its streak of good luck by sampling a very smooth, extremely satisfying Canadian Whiskey from Pendelton.

The guys have experienced some highs and lows with the last few months of reviews. With this week's selection, Pendelton, it seems the band has found that most happy of mediums.

Pendelton's taste can be summed up simply by citing the producer's missions statement. "Pendelton Whisky (proper spelling) was specifically created to celebrate the bold spirit of independence and hard-work ethic of the American cowboy and cowgirl." Very flattering, and very PC.

Given that not a single member of the Desert Flyer Band has ever been within a hundred yards of a cow in our lives, we don't know much about being cowboys. However, we do thrive on finding a pleasing whiskey with its own unique qualities which doesn't go overboard with extravagant flavoring. Remember the Crown Royal Maple disaster?

I found the Pendelton Canadian blended whiskey to have a smooth front end with a little bit of bite at the finish, overall a pretty nice sipping whiskey. I'll give it 3.5 out of 5 Dancing Bananas." - Greg Achord Lead Guitar/Vocals

Much more complex and interesting than most of the Canadian whiskey out there. It is a good bargain for someone seeking a better brand and is much older and more drinkable that most Canadian whiskey. If you lean more toward single malt scotch than regular Canadian whiskey, you will like this one. It's not as good as some, but better than others... kind of like people. I give it 3.5 out of 5 Dancing Bananas. - Bob Sours Rhythm Guitar/Vocals

After a long, hot day of being a cowboy, this is a dream come true. A smooth, not presumptuous, very tasty whiskey. Just enough bite, but equally subtle. A perfect balance. This is a solid 4 out of 5 Dancing Bananas. - Waylon Jordan Bass

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