What You Need to Know About the Oktoberfest Contests
Do you have your lederhosen, dirndls and alpine hats ready for this weekend's Oktoberfest in downtown Grand Junction?
Along with the wiener dog races, there are some entertaining contest for both kids and adults.
Hansel and Gretel Contests
Getty ImagesGetty Images Both kids and adults will be judged on the best duo that looks like Hansel and Gretel.
Contest will be held around 1:30 pm at the stage.
St. Pauli Girl Look-a-Like Contest
Getty ImagesGetty Images Do you think you can pull of the perfect St. Pauli Girl? If so, it's worth $300!
Get your dirndl and pigtails ready! Contest will held at the stage.
Nail Pounding Contest
Getty ImagesGetty Images If you can hit swing a hammer and hit a nail on the head, show your stuff at Oktoberfest!
Contest will held at the stage.
Beer Mug Holding Contest
Getty ImagesGetty Images You've had years of exercising your arm 12 ounces at a time! See if you can hold up a beer mug longer than anyone else in the Grand Valley.
At 1:30 pm, there will be a A&W Root Beer Mug Holding contest for kids.
Contest will held at the stage.
Alphorn Blowing Contest
Have you ever been told you're long winded? Put those lungs to the test and try your luck by blowing an Alphorn.
It may not be as easy as it looks! Watch this video to get an idea. Remember it's like blowing a raspberry.
Contest will held at the stage.
Yodeling Contest
Ever dreamed of standing on a mountain top yodeling your lungs out? Here's your chance.
If you don't know how to yodel, Wylie Gustafson will show you how.
Contest will held at the stage.
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