National Eggs Benedict Day – Who Makes Grand Junction’s Best?
Thursday, April 16, is the day we celebrate "National Eggs Benedict Day." Where will you find the best Eggs Benedict in the Grand Junction area?
According to Holidayinsights.com, this "holiday" is always celebrated on April 16. Why? Who knows? There's no official record as to the origins of the holiday.
Looking back, I would bet I was at least 35 years old the first time I tried Eggs Benedict. I would bet neither my mom or dad ever tried them in their lives. It's safe to say a large percentage of Americans have never tried them. Those that have, however, will be quick to tell you how magnificent they are.
What exactly goes into Eggs Benedict? According to simplyrecipes.com, ingredients include:
- 4 pieces of Canadian bacon
- 2 tablespoons chopped parsley, for garnish
- 4 eggs
- 2 teaspoons white or rice vinegar
- 2 English muffins
- Butter
- Hollandaise Sauce
Okay, so what exactly goes into the Hollandaise? Simplyrecipes.com suggests:
- 10 tablespoons unsalted butter (if using salted butter, omit the added salt)
- 3 egg yolks
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- Dash of cayenne or tabasco
Being a non-cook, I'm fine with purchasing the Hollandaise at the grocery store. Better yet, at the restaurant.
As you can see from the suggestions above, making this meal is a bit involved. The needed ingredients go a bit beyond the ol' bacon and eggs. It's for this reason I ask, "Where can you find the best Eggs Benedict in the Grand Junction area?"
Cast your vote below. Like always, if you don't see your choice, write it in, and it will be added. Please stick to area food venues. We all know that mom or grandma makes a great breakfast, but this poll is for the purpose of directing people to local public eateries.

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