7 Reasons Why Mesa County’s Compost Facility is the Coolest
Are you busy doing yard and lawn cleanup? Where in Grand Junction can you dump the leaves, tree limbs, and clippings? Here's where you can get rid of that material easily and at no cost.
The Mesa County Organic Materials Composting Facility is just down the road. They're open four days a week, and the price can't be beaten.

Near By and Convenient to Use
The Mesa County Organic Materials Composting Facility is located at 3071 Highway 50 in Grand Junction. In other words, just head towards the Mesa County Landfill. If you arrive at the scales, you've gone too far.
Before reaching the "landfill," you can turn right heading west towards the compost facility. There are no scales, no check-in, and no charges. You can dump your organic materials for free.
Save Money and Reuse
Let's take a look back at the last 48 hours of my life. I'm currently working on salvaging a property I own in town. Over the last two days I've:
- Rented a dumpster at a cost of $85
- Hauled two trailer loads to the landfill at a cost of $10 per load (not to mention my fuel, etc)
- Filled two City of Grand Junction trash cans
- Have at least another two trailer loads of trash waiting to be hauled (at $10 each)
- Paid the private company trash collection bill for my residence at $45 for three months
- Hauled one trailer load of limbs and brush to the compost facility for FREE
Total it up, and in the last 48 hours, I've paid $150 for the removal/disposal of trash. The one exception would be the load taken to the organic materials facility, which cost a whopping $0.
Why Am I Jazzed About Composting?
Two reasons: First, while at the landfill yesterday, the truck next to me dropped off a large trailer load of material consisting of nothing but lawn clippings. They paid at least $10 (the minimum charge) to dump organic material in the landfill rather than visiting the compost facility right next door.
Secondly, about ten years ago I went to a grade school play. This was a 4th-grade production of "The Wonders of Recycling." One of the stars of the show, my friend's daughter, played the role of "Composting."
My List of Seven Great Things About the Mesa County Facility
The facility is there for your use. I recommend you utilize it. Save some bucks and some wear-and-tear on your vehicle, and drop your organic materials at this facility.
7 Reasons Why the Mesa County Compost Facility is the Coolest
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