The signs went up over the weekend. Hopefully, the next sign up is "Open." This Grand Junction business moves closer to opening its doors AND its drive-thru.

This building on 12th and North has been quiet for quite some time. Previous occupants have been Taco John's and a Chomps. There was plenty of speculation when I posted this back in September. The colors started going up and the familiar look of a certain business began to emerge.

But, now it is actual, real letters and words:



I noticed the crews putting up the signs the other day. I'm excited about the drive-thru.


This will join the current location at 2405 F Road. I did not see anything sign indicating an exact Grand Opening date, but, when I do I will let you know.

I will be honest. I am freaking thrilled because I live right near the new location and I don't have to drive all the way out to F Road anymore. Yes, I am selfish like that. :)

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