Look Who Dropped by for a Visit at Mesa Verde National Park
The Spruce Tree House dwelling at Mesa Verde National Park had a special visitor recently. Check out the webcam footage of this unexpected visit.
It seems this bear didn't read the posted signs in the area. Spruce Tree House, the third-largest cliff dwelling at Mesa Verde was closed in 2015 following a rockfall. Mesa Verde National Park posted on their official Facebook page:
This bear was spotted entering the iconic cliff dwelling in clear violation of a safety closure. He passed a number of large signs with a flagrant disregard for safety and rules. Apparently, the bear was just too focused on the beauty of the site to bother to read the signs.
So, what about the bear? Is he going to receive a hefty fine? Apparently not. Who would have guts enough to give it to him? Humans, on the other hand, still aren't allowed. According to a post on Mesa Verde National Park's Facebook page:
Please note that a human sighted entering the site will be cited.
I paid a visit to Mesa Verde National Park a little over a month ago. Due to the pandemic, Cliff Palace and the other dwellings were closed to tours. Guests could still view the dwellings from overlooks along with the various loops.
Could the bear have visited the gift shop if it wanted? Nope. Nothing against bears, but nobody is allowed in the gift shop. It, along with the Spruce Tree Terrace Cafe, the Chapin Mesa Archeological Museum, and a variety of trails, is still closed to the public, and for that matter, bears.
I can't blame the bear for wanting to hang out at Spruce Tree House. The dwellings at Mesa Verde really are amazing. My bunch has been visiting the area for generations.
While many attractions are closed, a large number of facilities and services are available. According to nps.gov, the Morefield Campground, Far View Terrace Cafe and Gift Shop, Far View Lodge, and the Chapin Mesa Picnic Area are open. Don't tell the bear about the picnic area.