Listen Up Colorado – Send a Brave Little Girl Your Dog Photos
Thousands of people are sending photos of their dogs to a little girl in hopes it will brighten her spirits. You should send photos of your dog(s).
Seven-year-old Emma of Hartland, WI, has been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. As you can see in the post below, she's an animal lover. Her family is collecting photos to cheer her up during treatment.
Upon seeing this post, I quickly uploaded a photo of my dog, Fluffy. The photo I sent is the same as you see at top. That's Fluffy at the visitor's center on the Grand Mesa. What I didn't say is that Fluffy passed away a year ago. I still have photos of him on my walls at home and in my office. They brighten my day, and hopefully will do the same for her.
Since we don't want to blow up her email account, it is best to upload your photo to the Wisconsin Humane Society page.
According to FOX31 in Denver, as of this morning, the Facebook post had racked up more than 8,000 shares, 14,000 reactions, and 67,000 comments. According to Emma's father, Geoff, "We’re getting about 2,800 emails each hour and mail by the truckload." He adds, “I think that says a lot about dog lovers, that they want to take care of more than just themselves.”
If you are not into the whole Internet thing, you can send photos to Emma via the mail. Her address is:
Emma Mertens
P.O. Box 230
Hartland, WI 53209
Let's go, Colorado. We have more dog lovers than any other state in the nation. Let's brighten this brave young lady's day. My photo has been sent. Please send yours.