Check Out These Crazy Fun Costumes From the 2021 Just Peachy 5K in Palisade
It was great to be a part of the Peach Festival this past weekend over in Palisade.
Despite a couple of brief showers the morning of the Just Peachy 5K, we had a great turnout for the event and some even better costumes were spotted during this year's run.
Participating in the Just Peachy 5K or 1K run/walk is a great way to earn yourself a free day pass into the Peach Festival itself. It's as easy as walking the racecourse right into the festival. All you have to do is join in on the fun. Something to keep in mind for next year.

Just Peachy 5K Run
We set up along the run route in Palisade about half an hour before the race started. The radio station was there to play some music along the race route so we had a great view of the runners as they came from downtown Palisade to race along the Riverbend Park.
Scroll through the photos below to see photos from near the finish line thanks to Maya Kraushaar who was on hand catching the runners on camera as they passed.
Crazy Fun Costumes From the 2021 Just Peachy 5K in Palisade
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Crazy Fun Costumes From the 2021 Just Peachy 5K in Palisade
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