It’s National Hug Your Dog Day, Colorado
Now here is a day we can all get behind and enjoy.
National Hug Your Dog Day is every April 10 and your dog has no idea.
If you hug your dog a lot, every day will seem like hug your dog day, but to have a day set aside just for your dog to get hugs makes it extra special.
Hugging, as you may or may not know releases oxytocin, also known as the "hug hormone." You and your dog benefit from these amazing hugs and it goes to further strengthen the bond between you.
Why not surprise your dog today and go home at lunch and just hug him up. The enjoyment you will both feel will make the day extra special.
If you don't have a dog, we know where you can find one. Roice-Hurst Humane Society can hook you up with the special pet you've been wanting, so you can get your hug pal and get started on hugging.
Hug that dog a few times for me, would ya?