Holiday Parking Fees in Downtown Grand Junction For a Good Cause
Holiday parking in downtown Grand Junction is not free this year. Parking in downtown Grand Junction after Thanksgiving isn't free, but it's for a good cause.
Your parking fees are going to a good cause this year. Parking meters in downtown Grand Junction will not be free as they were in years past -- but here's the good news.
Starting Thanksgiving day, half of your parking meter fees are going to be donated to United Way Mesa County. According to United way in Mesa county's website 'all the money raised here, stays here' and:
United Way of Mesa County fights for the health, education, and self-reliance of every person in our community.
Half of all of the parking meter money from Thanksgiving Day until the end of the year is going to be donated and I have a feeling it's going to add up.
From Thanksgiving day until the end of the year last year totaled $14,000 for United Way. No worries, parking fees won't change for the holidays. The fees will be the same and you can have a good feeling knowing that your money is going toward a great cause.
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