Help Drug Addicted Babies, Volunteer to Cuddle
Because of the widespread use of drugs and especially opiates many babies are born addicted to drugs. These babies need special care and because of this, a program has been developed which hopefully will help these babies heal a lot quicker.
Cuddle Care Programs are being implemented across the United States. Many of these babies that are born addicted to drugs often times do not have a mother that can care for them properly more times than not these mothers are fighting their addiction and do not have what it takes to care for their babies. According to research, the babies that are held longer seem to have a quicker healing time than those who are not held as much. The babies that are held for longer periods of time see to get to go home sooner.
There are many ways to volunteer you can call your local hospital to see if they need volunteers in their nic unit. You can also call the Children's Hospital Colorado, you may also want to call UC Health