HEAT: This Is What Can Happen When Colorado Streets Go Bad
Colorado emergency crews had to make repairs Monday to a portion of road near Castle Rock after it bucked, supposedly due to the heat. Why does this happen?
Check out the video below, and you'll see just how bad "bad" can get when high temperatures get out of control in Colorado.
When Motorists Become Stunt Performers
The video at top, courtesy of 9News, shows road damage on a Colorado road following Monday's record setting heat. The video below was recorded in western Wisconsin. Don't you hate it when you unwillingly find yourself performing an Evel Knievel impression while enjoying a pleasant Sunday drive down Highway 29?
And You Thought Potholes Were Bad
How do these come about? According to the Nebraska Department of Roads:
A pavement blow-up occurs when the roadway surface expands at a crack or joint where moisture has seeped in. That crack weakens the pavement and the heat causes the pavement to buckle and warp. This usually occurs on very hot afternoons, as the maximum temperature for the day is reached, typically during afternoons with 90-degree or hotter temperatures.
What to do if You See Bucking in the Road
Step 1, don't drive over it, certainly not at a high rate of speed. According to 9News, If you see roadway that appears to be damaged or buckling, call CDOT's customer service representatives at codot.gov.
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