If people in Grand Junction, Colorado won $500, who would they spend the money on? For that matter, what would they buy them?

I asked on Facebook, "If you won $500 and had to spend it on someone else, who would you spend it on, and what would you buy them?" Answers came pouring in. Take a look, and you'll see just how awesome we are in Grand Junction.

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Keeping Up On The Bills In Grand Junction, Colorado

Does your budget need a little busting? In other words, could you use a little boost to get on top of your utility bills, clothes, food, and car expenses? You could win a $500 pre-paid Visa gift card with the Budget Buster.

What Would You Do With $500

Granted, $500 isn't going to change the course of anyone's life. At the same time, though, $500 for someone whose cupboards are bare could mean the difference between food in the pantry versus going hungry.

Do you know someone who hasn't had a break in years? The idea of $500 falling out of the sky might mean a chance to finally get new clothes or take care of that long-overdue car repair.

You'll Feel Good About The Human Race

Take a look at the gallery below. When I asked, "If you won $500 and had to spend it on someone else, who would you spend it on, and what would you buy them?" people could have replied with anything. They could have said, "Buy myself new jewelry," or "Go to the spa."

If you look at the replies below, you'll notice a common theme. While a bit disconcerting, the replies are also heartwarming. You won't see one selfish reply in the bunch. Rather people would use the money to buy food for a friend who's struggling or help a co-worker with their rent. In some cases, you would use the money to help a total stranger.

This engagement question really took off. The gallery below represents only the first 25 replies. There were far more than that, and they're still coming in.

This Is Who Grand Junction Would Spend $500 On, and What We'd Buy Them

If you won $500 tomorrow, who would you spend it on? For that matter, what would you buy them? I asked on Facebook, "If you won $500 and had to spend it on someone else, who would you spend it on, and what would you buy them?" Replies came pouring in. This is who you said you'd spend the money on, and what you'd buy.

Things Colorado Residents Could Buy with $430 Million Jackpot

Here are five suggestions as to what you could purchase when you win Colorado's $430 million Mega Millions jackpot on Friday.

Grand Junction Would Spend $30K Winnings On These People

This October, we have your chance to win a $30,000.00 Grand Prize. If you were the $30K Grand Prize winner, who would you spend the money on? I asked on Facebook, "If you won the $30,000 but had to spent it on someone else, who would you spend it on, and what would you buy them?"

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