Camping Season: Grand Junction Neighborhoods Filled With RVs
Have you noticed the popularity of RVs in western Colorado?
All you have to do is drive around Grand Junction and before long, you will notice a lot of people have RVs - whether it's a motor home, camper van, travel trailer, fifth-wheel trailers, popup camper, or truck camper. It's amazing to me how many of these vehicles we have in Grand Junction - and you'll find them in all kinds of neighborhoods.
The Lure of the Campground
Camping is insanely popular in Colorado. People love being away from home and "roughing it" in the great outdoors. Is the bed as comfortable as the one at home? Not likely. Are meals as easy to prepare in a campground as they are in your home kitchen? Doubtful. Are bathroom facilities as pleasant and sweet smelling as home sweet home? Not even close. Yet, so many people love this weekend lifestyle and devote so much of their resources to enjoying this pastime.
Exactly How Popular Are RVs in Colorado?
According to a new report by Outdoorsy, Colorado ranks 10th in the nation in RV sales per capita. It's not surprising to learn that Colorado's density of RV dealers is 32% above the national average. Clearly, Colorado is a camping state, and a relatively large percentage of the population living here loves to camp. The report indicates RV dealers in Colorado generate over $762 million in sales annually.

RVs Aren't Cheap
Personally, I haven't done any RV shopping lately, but I know RV's aren't cheap to buy or to own. According to campreport.com, RVs can cost between $10,000 and $300,000 depending on the style and features. Once you buy one of these temporary mobile residences you've got the expense of upkeep, maintenance, and repairs. Of course, if your RV is a trailer, you have to have a truck to pull it, plus insurance and license. And on top of all of those expenses, many folks pay for RV storage and when you do finally get out to camp, you have to pay to get into a state park and then pay the nightly camping fee, plus your food, fishing license, gear - and the list goes on and on.
It Won't Be Me
Regardless of the cost, the people that enjoy camping will find a way to make it happen. It's really no different than what I do with golf. Golf isn't a cheap sport to play, but because I enjoy it so much I find a way to play - a lot. As far as camping goes, an RV is definitely not in my future. Any camping experiences I enjoy will be in my thirty-five-dollar three-person pop-up tent with an air mattress, a package of wieners, and a can of bug spray.
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