This Should Be Mandatory at All Grand Junction Restaurants
It should be mandated that all Grand Junction restaurants offer this service effective immediately.
Imagine if all area restaurants added that extra little "touch of home." Speaking as a creature of habit, I'm confident this technique could double a restaurant's business in an instant.

Check out the photo at top. That is the secret to success. In this case, I'm referring to the coffee mug, not the cinnamon roll.
Gets You in the Zone
Listen to this statement, and then let me know if you agree or disagree: Coffee tastes better when consumed from your own personal mug?
It's probably safe to say most people would respond "Yes."
Is There Evidence to Support This?
According to the website myrecipes.com, there is evidence to support this. The website states Professor Charles Spence, an Oxford University academic and founding father of Gastrophysics, published findings suggesting truth to the theory.
In his recent book, Gastrophysics: The New Science of Eating, Spence argues that drinking coffee from a favorite cup creates a personalized experience whereby drinkers may transfer feelings of ownership and familiarity to the contents (known by behavioral experts as “sensation transference”) or ascribe more value to it as a result of owning the cup (known as the “endowment effect), in turn improving its perceived taste.
Businesses in the Grand Junction Area Already Offering This Service
If you go back a few years, a local restaurant called Lois' Place offered this. They have since shut down.
Not long ago it was discovered a popular Grand Junction restaurant, Pufferbelly, currently offers this. They call it "Beki's Brew Crew."
To my knowledge, those are the only businesses offering this. Then again, I don't get out much.
What about cleanliness?
I spoke to a member of the staff at Pufferbelly. According to her, the custom mugs get washed and sanitized in the exact same manner as the restaurant's mugs.
Sign Me Up
Look out Pufferbelly, this coffee mug is setting a course for your location right now. Mr. Sulu, plot a course for 1st Street and Pitkin, ahead Warp Factor 4.
That's your cue, Grand Junction restaurants. This will work like a charm. Look at the number of mugs in the photo in the middle of this post. It was impossible to get all of the mugs into the frame, and this is just one section. Pufferbelly has two more just like it. Those are "steady" customers. Every restaurant should follow this example immediately.
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