Fun Things You May Not Know About Grand Junction Regional Airport
Have you visited the Grand Junction Regional Airport recently? I just stopped by for the first time since before COVID. Here are a few fun facts you may not know about our airport.
If you were to take a wild guess, which airline would you say brings in the most traffic? For that matter, who is responsible for the most air freight passing through the valley? Here are a few facts and figures you might enjoy.
Grand Junction Regional Airport is a Busy Place
Aside from running in the Men In Heels Race, an event we won't talk about for a number of reasons, I've had no reason to visit the Grand Junction Regional Airport. Shortly before Thanksgiving, I dropped a friend off to catch a flight out of Grand Junction. While there, I picked up on a few things I didn't know about our airport.
2021 Already Looking Better Than 2020
Looking at a comparison of 2021 and 2020, as of the end of September 2021, the Grand Junction Regional Airport had already seen far more passengers boarding planes flying out of Grand Junction compared to the entire year of 2020. Of course, 2020 was a catastrophe from start to finish.
Random Facts and Figures
Which provider transported the most passengers out of Grand Junction? How about into Grand Junction? If you were to take a wild guess, what percentage of revenue at the terminal came from alcohol sales? Just for fun, here are a few facts about Grand Junction Regional Airport provided by you might find surprising. I sure did.