Can't you just throw old drugs in the toilet? NO! The Grand Junction Police Department and the Drug Enforcement Administration have a better idea. Bring your expired, unused, or unwanted drugs to the GJPD on April 30, for "Take Back Day."

Did you know that the majority of occurrences of prescription drug abuse come from medicines provided by family or friends? Medications left laying around the house can be misused and abused.

Go through the house and locate those medications which are outdated or you no longer use. They can be taken to the Grand Junction Police Department at 555 Ute Avenue on April 30 (Saturday) from 10 am to 2 pm.

Please note, the DEA cannot accept liquids or needles, only pills or patches.

Will you have to provide personal information or a background as to how you obtained the drugs? Heck, no. This is completely anonymous, absolutely free, and NO QUESTIONS WILL BE ASKED.

For more information, contact the GJPD at (970) 549-5114.

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