Grand Junction Picks for ‘National Men Make Dinner Day’
Today marks the day we celebrate "National Men Make Dinner Day." What would you like the man in your life to make for you?
The first Thursday of November is the day men step up the plate, literally, to make dinner for the ladies. Where this holiday is concerned, there are a few rules to be observed:
- Women may not assist in the meal.
- No take out, pizza delivery, or prepared meals allowed.
- No grilling.
- Men have to prepare something the ladies will enjoy.
- The meal must include a desert.
- The man must clean up the mess, i.e. pots and pans, dishes, etc.
Will this holiday signify a major change for everyone? Not really. Being a bachelor, every day is "Men Make Dinner Day" for me. Let's say I get takeout. Every week I go to a local take-n-bake pizza place. The person making my pizza is always a guy. Nothing changes.
Ladies, here's your chance to speak up. We'll get the word out about the holiday. It's your job to tell us, and all the men out there, what meal you would enjoy for "National Men Make Dinner Day." If nothing comes to mind, you can select one of the options already on the list. Don't see what you like on our menu? Write in your own selection and it will be added.