Grand Junction Dentists Support Soldiers With Candy Buy Back
Everyone is getting excited for the upcoming Halloween holiday, it's crazy how fast it is approaching. With this year being so stressful already it will be nice to dress up and enjoy the fun of the holiday while eating a sweet treat or two. But remember to get good candy, this year has been difficult enough already you don't need to make it worse by getting bad Halloween candy.
But for all of those families that are looking forward to going Trick-or-Treating this year remember to be safe but I hope you have lots of fun. And if you want to make some money off all that candy that will be collected you're in luck as Ruby Canyon Dental will once again be hosting their 12th annual Halloween "Candy Buy Back" on Monday, November 2nd from 10:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. at their location 2552 Patterson Road in Grand Junction.
Children are encouraged to bring their candy into the dentist's office and sell it back for $1.00 per pound. After all the candy is collected and bought back it will be donated to Operation Interdependence. O.I. will then be sending all of the candy collected to troops overseas that are protecting our country.
On a normal year they are collecting candy for 2,500 military members, but this year the need has increased as they have been asked to help an additional 1,600 service members. The team at Ruby Canyon Dental are trying to hit this goal and help those that are being detained from coming home due to COVID.
Please share this information so we can make sure to send a few treats to the heroes that are protecting us each day.

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