Lies We Tell Ourselves In Grand Junction To Get Through The Day
Are you struggling to get through each day? If it's any consolation, you're not alone. Here's a sample of the lies we tell ourselves in Grand Junction in hopes they'll carry us through.
I asked on Facebook, "What is a lie you tell yourself to get through the day?" Here are a handful of your replies.
Lies We Frequently Tell Ourselves
The website Mark Manson: Life Advice That Doesn't Suck offers a list of "9 Subtle Lies We All Tell Ourselves." Those lies include:
- If I could just "X," then my life would be amazing.
- If I had more time, I would do "X."
- If I say or do "X," people will think I'm stupid.
- If I just say or do "X," then that person will finally change.
- Everything is great / Everything sucks
- There's something inherently wrong or different about me.
- I would change, but I can't because of "X."
- I can't live without "X."
- I know what I'm doing.
Wide Variety of Replies
When posting the question, the assumption was made most replies would involve:
- hating our jobs
- shortage of money
- physical and emotional fatigue
As it turns out, many of your responses involve such serious matters as:
- homelessness
- hunger
- severe medical issues
How Can We Brighten Things Up?
Marty Nemko, Ph.D., shares a few thoughts on the Psychology Today website. He writes, "Sometimes a little excess optimism may fuel us to bigger accomplishments than clear-eyed rationality would allow. He adds, "Unvarnished realism isn't always wise, but neither are unexamined lies we tell ourselves.