Going Stir Crazy? – Download Books From the Mesa County Libraries
Are you desperate for new reading material? Are you experiencing withdrawals when it comes to the resources of the Mesa County Public Libraries? Reading materials are only a click away with downloadable and streamable media from the Mesa County Libraries.
Did you know you could "check out" ebooks and audiobooks to read on your phone or tablet using the Libby app by OverDrive? This service is free, and according to the MCPL, easy for new users to learn. It seems the OverDrive app has been available for some time. The new Libby app makes for a "streamlined experience" for current OverDrive app users.
So, what ultimately is the difference between Libby and the OverDrive app? The MCPL webpage offers a Q&A section, even a side-by-side comparison of the two apps. According to the MCPL:
Libby is a new app released by OverDrive. It has the same collection of titles as the OverDrive app - it’s just a different way to access the same digital library collection. Libby is a fast and attractive digital browsing experience.
Libby is compatible with Android and iOS devices, with Kindle Fire compatibility coming soon. Libby is great if you just want to download a book to your Android or iOS phone or tablet.
Speaking as someone who still listens to music on cassette tapes and vinyl, this seems pretty high tech. At the same time, looking at my bookshelves, everything I have looks pretty stale. It's time for new material. It seems I'm going to have the make the leap out of 1979 and voyage into the future world. Look out library downloads, here I come.
So, regardless if you use Apple, Android, Kindle App, Kindle eReader, Chromebook, Windows 8, Windows 10, etc, you can be up and running in no time. Speaking as the most low-tech person in the valley, it seems even I can download these services via my dumbphone or tablet.
While the current situation really stinks, in all fairness, this is the very "downtime" many have said they desired. Nearly a month into this, I've failed to make the most of my time. These apps from the Mesa County Public Libraries are a real game-changer. Now is the perfect time to put them to good use.