‘Ghostbusters 3′ to Film in Cleveland With Emma Stone and Jonah Hill?
'Ghostbusters 3' has remained alive in fans' hearts thanks to hopeful chatter from original star Dan Aykroyd, though all the on-and-off development issues have placed this in the category of "we'll believe it when we see it." However, new reports have emerged claiming that the sequel will finally begin filming next year, perhaps even with two new stars attached.
According to WKYC, an NBC affiliate, Sony is eyeing Cleveland, Ohio, to play host to 'Ghostbusters 3' production in spring 2014. The city recently welcomed the film 'Jenny's Wedding' with Katie Holmes.
In addition, Schmoes Know reported earlier this week that 'The Amazing Spider-Man 2' star Emma Stone and '22 Jump Street'-er Jonah Hill have been offered the lead roles of Anna and Jeremy. Whether they accept the roles is another matter, not to mention Sony still needs to get the official green light.
While it's unlikely the original leads -- Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis and Ernie Hudson -- will all return, especially Murray with his increasingly busy schedule, Aykroyd has been talking about 'Ghostbusters 3' for quite some time. His latest update offered the alleged plot description based around Higgs boson and current particle theory, and that four new ghostbusters are needed for the cast:
['Ghostbusters 3' is] based upon new research that’s being done in particle physics by the young men and women at Columbia University. ... Basically there’s research being done that…I can say that the world or our dimension that we live in, our four planes of existence, length, height, width and time, become threatened by some of the research that is being done. And Ghostbusters, new Ghostbusters have to come and solve the problem.
As hopeful as this might seem to fans of the franchise, let's wait for an official statement from Sony to be sure.
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