Wacky Weather Forecast Features 22 ‘Ghostbusters’ References
When it comes to silly jokes, who ya gonna call? This woman.
Sian Welby did a weather report for Britain's Channel 5 on Monday that she laced with nearly two dozen Ghostbusters jokes, in honor of the long-awaited reboot of the franchise.
Welby knows a thing or two about this gimmick. Late last year, she did the same stunt when the newest Star Wars came out.
It's loaded with quips and puns that fans new and old alike will like. It's actually quite impressive when you consider she squeezed in 22 jokes in under a minute. That's some writing that maybe could punch up the film, which has been besieged by poor reviews.
We're just disappointed that she couldn't find a place to name drop Dan Asteroid anywhere.
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