What’s Being Built at G Road and Highway 6&50 in Grand Junction?
Drive down G Road in Grand Junction, and you'll spot two City of Grand Junction land development signs. What's going on?
You'll see these just before G Road intersects with Highway 50 near 22 1/2 Road. As it turns out, a couple of things are in the works.
Two Different Signs
You'll spot two different City of GJ development signs. They are marked:
- 2021-422
- 2021-423
The Second Project First
Let's start with the second project, shall we? Searching the City of Grand Junction's official webpage, it is learned the project designated 2021-423 involves a "Simple Subdivision - Boundary Adjustment." The project's name is "Western Slope Auto - Toyota Expansion." The physical address of this project is listed as:
- 2252 HWY 6 AND 50 GRAND JUNCTION CO 81505
Now for the First Project
Ultimately, this is all part of the same endeavor. This application requests the "...approval for a site plan review for an addition to a car dealership on 3.44 acres in a C-2 (General Commercial) zone district."
In Layman's Terms
Not long ago the Western Slope Auto dealership on Highway 50 relocated their Used-Imports division from the west end of the property to the east end, joining it with their Domestic-Used division.
I couldn't make out all of the information from the city's webpage, so I decided to contact them for clarification. When it comes to the designation Simple-Subdivision, that process usually involves moving a shared boundary line. The term is a general heading for instances where lot lines are being moved, or when making multiple lots out of one.
In This Case
Western Slope Auto is expanding the physical size of its dealership. As a result, a planned structure would exceed the existing property line. They've applied to have the property line moved into the triangular lot created where G Road and Highway 50 meet.
No Cause for Alarm
Sometimes when I see the Land Development Application Pending signs it sets off an alarm in my head. In almost all cases, someone is wanting to put up a fence or move a gravel pile from one side of their lot to the other.
It seems a long-established Western Colorado business, in continuous operation since 1912, is simply expanding their business and the size of their facilities. That's awesome. It will be interesting to see how this develops.