Five Things You Need to Know Before Moving to Grand Junction
I moved to Grand Junction only a few months ago. Since then, I've learned some things that are unique to the city, and are important for recent transplants to know.
1. Learn Routes/Avoid Left Turns
Grand Junction is a very unique city, you have to learn which are the best routes to get from point A to point B. I learned very quickly, if you do not plan your routes accordingly, you could find yourself stuck at a stop sign for too long waiting to turn left. Stoplights are key when turning left on-or-off major roads such as Patterson and North Avenue.
2. Avoid Road Construction
I've lived in a few different parts of Colorado, but never have I experienced so much road construction in my entire life. It's key to learn where the worst construction is taking place, and at which time of day. Plus, if you plan on taking Orchard through town, keep in mind that there is still a big section that is closed due to road work.
3. Lock Your Doors
This one isn't unique to Grand Junction, but it's a city that you'll need to lock your home and car doors in. I grew up in Eagle, a town with about 1/10 the population of Grand Junction and we never locked our cars or homes. However, with the number of break-ins that happen here, it's vital to make sure that you lock your doors at all times.
4. Expect Warm Summers
When one thinks of Colorado, one of the first things that come to mind is mild summers and cold winters. However, Grand Junction does not fit the stereotype, and if a transplant is not expecting 100+ degree temperatures in the summer, they're going to be taken aback by our often sweltering temps.
5. Check out Downtown
Another Colorado stereotype that Grand Junction doesn't fit is the picturesque ski resort architecture and atmosphere. However, if a transplant is discouraged by the empty businesses and less than beautiful environment whilst driving down North Avenue, I would recommend taking a stroll down Main Street in the heart of downtown. There are so many great restaurants, bars, shops and things to do than someone who isn't feeling the best about their decision to move here just may reconsider.

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