Drinking Cow Urine May Actually Be Good for Your Health [VIDEO, POLL]
You've heard doctors say "Take two a day?" Well, meet the guy who believes you should take moo a day.
In this video, we're introduced to a trend in India in which people drink cow urine -- and that's no bull. Yeah, we "cud" hardly believe when we heard it, either.
Bad puns aside, one man who guzzles it down on a daily basis says it has helped control his diabetes.
Gulping the bovine beverage is an old Hindu tradition which has enjoyed a resurgence in recent years, with one man going so far as to bottle and sell the drink. The man says cow urine is a godsend, since it can be used to make everything from eye drops to toothpaste. Not to mention it might be a good way to wash down a nice, hearty T-bone as part of a total cow diet.
There are some restrictions: the pee must come from a cow that's a virgin and we all know those can be a pain to find, what with the rise of promiscuity in the oxen community, right?
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