Don’t Be Duped If Someone Says They Can Repair Your Credit
Don't be fooled if a company says they can repair your credit chances are they just want your money. Some companies claim they can add up to 100 points to your credit score. If you have a bad credit score it will take time to repair it. You cannot pay someone to clean it up for you. Scammers are always looking for ways they can cheat people and get their money don't fall for it.
Usually, the only way a negative remark can be removed is if someone steals your identity. For instance, if you had a bankruptcy or repossession that usually takes seven years before it goes away.
There is something you can do however if someone reaches out to you and claims they can repair your credit score report them to the Better Business Bureau or Some consumers, though, did reach out and complain to the Better Business Bureau, or Federal Trade Commission.