District 51 to Continue Remote Learning For Rest of Semester
It probably comes as no surprise that School District 51 will not return to in-person learning at school facilities for the remainder of the school year.
Earlier today, April 21, the following message went up on School District 51's official webpage:
Gov. Jared Polis announced that all K-12 school buildings in Colorado will remain closed as the state transitions to a second phase of social distancing called Safer at Home. This directive means all District 51 schools will continue to be closed to in-person learning through the remainder of the 2019-20 school year, which includes athletics and activities. - www.D51schools.org
According to the Grand Junction Daily Sentinel, superintendent Diana Sirko sent D51 teachers and staff a letter last night saying the district will officially not return to school facilities and stay with the remote-learning for the remainder of the school year.
[The district] will be closed for in-person learning for the remainder of the school year, with our online efforts continuing. - Diana Sirko
Some parents and educators had hoped that schools would reopen for in-person learning for at least a few days. While some had hoped this would be the case, most parents I know had assumed some time ago the facility closures would probably extend beyond the end of April, and probably for the rest of the academic year.
According to Sirko, graduation ceremonies will be postponed until August 3 through 5.
My heart goes out to the students of District 51. I grew up here, too, and while my high school years weren't my most joyous, they were a major part of my life. Events such as prom, graduation, and various musical performances mark significant milestones in my young life. I hate to see students deprived of these experiences.
If possible, please get more details regarding the remainder of the academic year. Tonight’s D51 Board of Education meeting will stream live on Facebook beginning at 6 p.m.
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