Photo Shows Denver to Cheyenne From a Plane at 34,000 Feet
When you are 34,000 feet in the air, just exactly how far can you see? Quite far actually and we have a photo to prove it. According to Google Maps, Denver, Colorado to Cheyenne, Wyoming is approximately 102 miles as the crow flies.
Facebook user, Chris Doroba, was on a flight that was passing over the Front Range of Colorado and got to witness all of the Denver Metro Area, Northern Colorado, and Cheyenne, Wyoming out of an airplane window. He was kind enough to share the photo he took with us.

Denver, Colorado all the way to Cheyenne, Wyoming in One Photo
The photo posted in the Facebook group Discover Colorado Through Your Photos received dozens upon dozens of comments. Quite a few are skeptical of the possibility of seeing Cheyenne, Wyoming, or even Greeley, Colorado for that matter from this vantage point in an airplane.
Facebook Comments of Skepticism
- "That's like Thornton or Westminster, no way that's Cheyenne"
- "There's no way that's Cheyenne. There's no houses that close to Cheyenne"
- "Somebody's first time on an airplane. At that elevation, no way to see Cheyenne"
- "Fort Collins maybe... But not Cheyenne"
I had to take it upon myself to see what we were seeing out of Chris's airplane window was Cheyenne, Wyoming. There was a photo taken at one point from an astronaut of the entire Front Range of Colorado and Cheyenne, Wyoming.
Shane KimbroughReferencing Chris Doroba's photo from the airplane and the photo posted from Shane Kimbrough, I can say for certain that you can see from Denver to Cheyenne from an airplane on a clear night at this elevation. I have marked the cities from Denver, Colorado to Cheyenne, Wyoming from the original photo from Chris Doroba:
Thank you to Chris for allowing us to share this amazing photo with all of you. I am sure it was quite the sight to see without a cloud in the sky.
Source: Chris Doroba Facebook
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