Creepiest Places Around Our Nation and Locally
Today I have the 5 creepiest towns in America according to Away.com. What I want to know about are the creepiest locations on the Western Slope!
I grew up here and I know of several locations around the Grand Valley that we as kids had ghost stories about, unfortunately I don't remember any of them!
Check out some of the most ghost filled cities in the U.S. below then share your stories about the creepy areas right here on the Western Slope!
New Orleans, Louisiana: Mired in a long and sometimes seamy history, New Orleans has been home to slaves and slave drivers, pirates, and -- as some will affirm without pause -- ghosts. The French Quarter, site of the city's founding in 1718, is a dense neighborhood of narrow streets and unique wrought-iron and wooden architecture -- a prime stomping ground for displaced souls.
Charleston, South Carolina: One of the oldest cities in the United States, and one of the most haunted. They say ghosts from the Civil War patrol some of the steeple-lined lanes of Charleston, while the Battery plays home to some of those lost during the slave trade. The 1869 Dock Street Theater, might give you a glimpse of Nettie, a young lady killed here by a lightning strike in the 1800s, and Junius Brutus Boothe, father of assassin John Wilkes Boothe.
Salem, Massachusetts: Its nickname 'Witch City' comes from the Salem Witch Trials of 1692, when nearly 20 women were accused of witchcraft and hanged, and 150 more were arrested and charged.
Key West, Florida: Once the richest city in North America, Key West was long a prime layover point for pirates terrorizing the Gulf of Mexico and looting the wrecked ships along the Florida reef. That meant years with buccaneers and rum-runners free to plunder as they liked, with local authorities only occasionally catching up with them. Executions were the only recourse for these savage souls, and bodies wound up in the local morgue, where now stands the allegedly haunted Captain Tony's Saloon. The 'hanging tree' outside made for a short distance to transport the bodies.
Savannah, Georgia: Local lore says that plenty of centuries-old ghosts have settled in Savannah among the great mossy oak trees, Gothic mansions, and aging cemeteries. Once voted America's most haunted city by the American Institute of Parapsychology, this seaport has served everyone from pirates to bootleggers to Civil War soldiers, many of whom were buried here. The only problem is that much of the city was built atop some of those centuries-old graveyards, making it a busy scene for ghostly sightings.
Share your local ghost stories with us below or call 243-3699 and listen at 8:50 to hear what others had to say!
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