Colorado DUI Enforcement Is Underway
Colorado's "The Heat Is On" spring DUI enhanced enforcement is on now.
Most of us are familiar with enhanced DUI checkpoints during the holidays. Did you know that last year 41 alcohol-related deaths occurred in Colorado during the months of April and May? “In addition to significant financial costs, driving impaired puts both the driver and others on the road at serious risk,” says Darrell Lingk, Colorado Department of Transportation Safety Director.
Over this past weekend and continuing for the next 5 weeks the Colorado Department of Transportation, Colorado State Patrol, and statewide law enforcement agencies are ramping up their DUI patrols and checkpoints. The spring "The Heat Is On" enforcement period is determined to keep impaired drivers off Colorado highways. With the warmer weather comes increased outdoor activity and unfortunately many overdo it and drive impaired.
When law enforcement says "impaired' they're not just alcohol. DUI laws will be enforced for all impairing substances. In the spring of 2108, 1,932 drivers were arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol, marijuana, and other drugs during last year's 5-week spring DUI enforcement period.
Get caught behind the wheel under the influence and it will cost you. A DUI can cost as much as $13,500 or more when you include fines, fees, and increased insurance costs. Don't risk it. If you're heading out to enjoy the spring weather, always use a designated driver.
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