Colorado State Patrol Sends A Message To the State
There have been a lot of much-deserved expressions of gratitude toward first responders and front line workers in the battle against COVID-19. Now the tables have turned.
The Colorado State Patrol put together a creative video to thank Colorado communities for the steps they have taken and are taking to keep everybody to safe on the road and to help us get to the other side of this catastrophic pandemic.
Not only are the CSP troopers expressing their thanks and appreciation for everyone's efforts, but they are also encouraging us to keep on doing what we are doing to stay safe as we slowly work our way back toward life as we used to know it.
Obviously, the different shots of the troopers displaying their particular sign were taken at various places throughout the state. The challenge is to guess where each trooper was when their portion of the video was captured. I think I've got a couple of the locations nailed down, but some of these have me stumped. The CSP will reveal the locations later in the week.
But, the main point here is the message from the Colorado State Patrol to the state they serve. Keep on doing what you are doing and don't let up. Continue to do your part, and together we will get to the end of this.

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