The Farmer's Almanac calls for an action-packed winter forecast for 2024-2025. The publication dates back to 1818 when it was first introduced, focusing on weather predictions and planting schedules.

Read More: 20 of the Coldest Winter Temperatures of All Time in Colorado

Winter in Colorado can last from mid-October to late April. If you live here, you know how harsh it can get. With this in mind when the Farmer's Almanac indicates a "harsh" winter, most Coloradans read this as "standard".

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Colorado's 2024-2025 Winter Forecast

The Farmer's Almanac describes the upcoming winter as one that will be a "wet winter whirlwind." Those who forecast at the Farmer's Almanac say that the winter season will bring "rapid-fire storms" that will produce rain and snow with little downtime in between occurrences.

La Nina's Affect on Colorado

The winter season will begin December 21st with the beginning of the winter solstice. Cooling at the surface of the eastern and central Pacific will bring cold and wet conditions to most portions of the United States, including Colorado, through the winter months. Colorado should expect cold temperatures this winter along with an average amount of winter snow.

Colorado's Coldest Weeks of Winter

The final week of January (20th to the 27th) is expected to be one of the coldest weeks all winter for most of the country causing temperatures to plummet nationwide. Snowstorms are expected during the first week of February and could impact portions of the country from Texas to Idaho, including Colorado.

LOOK: Here Are 16 of Colorado's Most Favorite Things About Winter

One of the things you must accept about living in Colorado is that winter is coming. It's a beautiful time of year except for the winter driving conditions and less daylight. From world-class ski resorts to mountain-top hot springs, here's a look at all the things Colorado loves about winter.

Gallery Credit: Wesley Adams

MUST SEE: 15 Incredible Places You Must Visit in Colorado This Winter

Winter in Colorado is one of our favorite seasons. Here are 15 incredible Colorado destinations you must visit if you love getting out in the snow. These places make winter even more fun with their amazing views, cozy vacation rentals, and fun attractions that make you forget all about how freezing cold it can be.

Gallery Credit: Wes Adams

UP NEXT: Western Colorado Winters of the 1940s and 50s - Robert Grant Photos

Enjoy these winter images captured from various sites around Western Colorado. All images are by Robert Grant. The majority of these shots were pulled at random from a drawer of negatives labelled "January 1949." A few others came from a neighboring file cabinet filled with thousands of Bob Grant prints.

Gallery Credit: Robert Grant

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