Colorado State University Gets the Corn Maze Treatment
Colorado State University has been paid a unique honor. The school's logo was the template for an amazing new corn maze located in Yuma, Colorado.
How did they pull this off? According to 9News, a farm in Yuma, Weathers Family Farm, came up with the idea a year ago. The design was fed into a tractor's computer, and POOF!
So, how did they "mow" the corn down to execute the design? They didn't. The corn was actually planted in the pattern. How does that work? Check out the planning and planting of this corn maze in Massachusetts.
Next question: Where exactly is Yuma, Colorado, and why haven't I been there? Yuma is on the eastern slope, not far from the Kansas border.
When do you get to check out the CSU corn maze? The Weathers Family Farm corn maze opens to the public on September 30, 2017.