Can you think of a home somewhere in Grand Junction with several old cars parked all over the front lawn? Some of them look rather unsightly, especially when it's clear the vehicles do not work and are little more than scrap.

Read More: Breaking The Law? Is It Illegal To Dumpster Dive In Colorado

What does Grand Junction have to say about how many junk cars can be parked on the lawn of a residence all at once? If someone is turning your street into a junkyard is there anything you can do?

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Outdoor Storage in Grand Junction

According to the Grand Junction city code, property owners are responsible for keeping their land free of junk and rubbish (including inoperable equipment). Anything that takes up more than 150 cubic feet of space and sits outside for more than 48 hours is considered "outdoor storage" by the city and must be "screened and covered from sight" on the back half of your lot. An inoperable vehicle becomes junk when the owner decides not to repair it.

Outdoor Storage and Unlicensed/Inoperable Vehicles

In the City of Grand Junction, there is a limit to the outdoor storage of unlicensed and inoperable vehicles. A maximum of two inoperable vehicles under repair may be stored on your property so long as they are "screened and covered from sight." Unlicensed and inoperable vehicles that sit in front of a home for the world to see month after month may be just the thing that Grand Junction Code Enforcement wants to hear about at 970-244-1584. The hardest part of getting rid of them may be proving that the owner does not intend to repair them someday.

Read More: Can You Spot Grand Junction in These Colorado Films?

Failure To Comply in Grand Junction

Failure to comply with the city ordinance could result in a $1000 fine and up to one year in prison according to Grand Junction's Municipal Code. Some locations require that inoperable or unregistered vehicles need to be stored in a fully enclosed structure. If you feel a vehicle has been abandoned, you can also report that to code enforcement.

LOOK: 13 Things That Are Illegal to Do in Colorado

Feel like letting your hair down this weekend in the Centennial State? Have fun! Just be sure to avoid any of these thirteen illegal activities that will get you into trouble in Colorado. Which illegal activity in the gallery below surprises you the most? Open our station app and let us know.

Gallery Credit: Wesley Adams

MORE: It Is Illegal To Throw These Things Away In Colorado

There are 14 items that should never be thrown out with the trash in Colorado. Check out this helpful list of hazardous waste reminders that should never go in the garbage in Colorado. While some of these items can be turned in on local hazardous waste collection days, six items on this list can get you into big trouble if you are caught dumping them at a landfill.

Gallery Credit: Wes Adams

KEEP GOING: Strangest Laws in Colorado You're Probably Breaking Right Now

We all try our hardest to follow the law, even when we don't agree with them. We took a look at some of Colorado's laws and discovered a few that make no sense at all.

We know drinking and driving is illegal, but did you know riding a horse while intoxicated is illegal. Or take a mule or donkey into a building could get you in trouble.

And whoever threw a missile at a car is someone we'd like to meet.

Take a look at Colorado's most outrageous laws on the books.

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