Colorado Neighborhood Watches a Mountain Lion Stalk a Huge Elk
When you live in the West, you witness nature and sometimes you watch it happen in your own backyard. A Colorado neighborhood had a mountain lion stalk a huge elk and one of the residents captured the moment on video.
KDVR shared this video from Evergreen, Colorado. It's a majestic elk calmly fleeing the pursuit of a huge mountain lion.
They report this nature moment happened on the property of Amanda and Jameson Crane. The video doesn't show what happens after the elk and mountain lion disappear into the woods. They don't know how this conflict resolved. Did the mountain lion catch his/her prey or did the elk avoid becoming a meal? Only nature knows.
As the KDVR story mentions, anyone that lives in big cat country needs to be aware that mountain lions are most active at dawn and dusk.
The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation rated the mountain lion as the fiercest predator on Earth pound-for-pound and one of the greatest hunters of elk. They theorize that these huge cats prefer elk even though deer are more plentiful and an easier kill. This mountain lion/elk encounter certainly backs up that idea.

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