Take a fascinating look at Western Colorado's very own Colorado National Monument with this amazing new five-part video series.

Are you familiar with the various formations at the Colorado National Monument? How about the faultline running through the valley? This awesome new video series presents amazing info you may not be familiar with. Looking at the various topics, you may discover these videos serve as a metaphor for the times in which we live.

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Brand New Video Series

New videos in this five-part series have appeared over the last few weeks. In the last few days, the final installment made its debut. Topics covered include:

  •  What’s a monocline, and how does it relate to handling stress?
  • What’s the connection between uplift, increasing temperatures, and taking care of our friends?
  • What can we learn about togetherness from this solitary rock formation?
  • What will three rock layers reveal to us about weathering life's storms?
  • What can our oldest rock layer teach us about resilience?

Have You Noticed a Certain Theme?

Looking at the five titles, you'll notice these various topics serve as a metaphor for the world in which we presently live. Subjects such as rock layers translate to weathering life's storms.

A Wise Investment of Your Five Minutes

Each video is roughly a minute in length. Put the series together, and you're asked to give up five minutes of your time. In addition to picking up valuable information regarding the Colorado National Monument and the surrounding region, you'll acquire a little food for thought to help guide you through today's hectic world.

This certainly works for me - valuable info on our region paired with positive, motivational messages. It doesn't get any better than this. Please check out this awesome new series.

Spotted: Bighorn Sheep on the Colorado National Monument

LOCAL HIKE: Grand Junction's Ribbon Trail Offers Views for Days

For those that want to see some great scenery but don't want to work for it, the Ribbon Trail is the perfect destination hike for non-hikers.

The Ribbon Trail Hike itself is about 7 miles in length and quite strenuous. But, the first part of the trail from the upper trailhead to Ribbon Rock is not difficult at all. The hike is about 1/4 mile and takes you to some pretty incredible scenery in western Colorado.

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