Did you know that venomous snakes can be found in almost every state in America? While Arizona, New Mexico, or Texas may have more venomous snakes than we do in Colorado, the Centennial State is not the place to let your guard down.

Read More: Colorado's Top 3 Largest and Most Dangerous Snakes

Rattlesnakes love the Rocky Mountains like we do, especially at elevations below 9000 feet. Keep reading to discover which part of Colorado has the most rattlesnakes.

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Colorado's Rattlesnake Regions

Most rattlesnakes in Colorado
Canva Pro

Here in the Centennial State, rattlesnakes are usually common in three places:

  • Eastern Plains: Prairie rattlesnakes are most often found across the eastern plains, grasslands, and sandhill areas of Colorado.
  • Rocky Mountain Foothills: Prairie rattlesnakes are also found in the foothills of Colorado (6000 to 9000 feet), in semidesert shrubs, and in the pinion-juniper woodlands.
  • Western Colorado: The sagebrush and rocky outcrops of the Colorado plateau are preferred by Colorado’s Midget Faded Rattlesnake.

Which Part of Colorado Is Most Snake-Infested

Rattlesnake regions
Canva Pro

Within the rocky slopes of Larimer County, Colorado, is a mega-den of rattlesnakes that have been made famous over the past year after live-streaming web cameras were set up to observe the den. Several hundred rattlesnakes are believed to inhabit the den, possibly thousands. This likely makes Northern Colorado the most snake-infested part of Colorado.

LOOK: 9 Slithering Snakes You May Encounter While Outdoors in Colorado

Welcome to Colorful Colorado, home to about thirty different species of slithering snakes. They are not the first thing we all think of when we imagine Colorado, but both venomous and non-venomous snakes live all over our state. Keep going to see nine of the most common ones you could run into.

Gallery Credit: Wesley Adams

MORE: Beware of the 12 Most Dangerous Animals in Colorado

Keep an eye out for the following 12 dangerous animals in Colorado. While these creatures usually go out of their way to avoid you, if you encounter one you will want to give it plenty of space. Scroll on to see each one and find out why they make the cut of the most dangerous animals in Colorado.

Gallery Credit: Wes Adams

UP NEXT: Grand Junction, Colorado Spotted These Animals Out in the Yard

Have you ever looked out the window of your home only to spot wildlife making a shortcut out of your backyard? What critters have you seen out in the yard in Grand Junction? Scroll on to see what others have spotted in and around Grand Junction, Colorado.

Gallery Credit: Wesley Adams

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