Grand Junction Colorado Sounds Off About Frustrating Roads and Streets
Grand Junction, and the surrounding area, have several road construction projects already in place to kick off the year. At least it's nice to know that some improvements are already underway here in Western Colorado.
As we are about to see, folks in Grand Junction, Fruita, and Palisade have no trouble at all being able to point out the major roadways through the area that are the most frustrating to drive.
Road Construction in Grand Junction Colorado
The orange barrels have stayed out all winter in Grand Junction and while we are surviving the bottlenecks on North Avenue and on 12th and a few other spots, the heart of road construction season will be here before we know it.
Would You Put Up With A Massive Road Construction Event in Grand Junction?
If it meant they could make major improvements would you be willing to put up with a serious renovation to one of these major roadways if it made things easier to get around?
Scroll Through the Grand Valley's Most Frustrating Roads for Colorado Drivers
The first, second, and third most frustrating roads in the area are Patterson Road, Patterson Road, and Patterson Road followed by North Avenue. At one point during our survey, it was one person after another saying "Patterson Road" all the way down the screen on our mobile app.