Colorado Marijuana Dispensaries To Post Warnings Starting Jan 1
A law going into effect on January 1 is making dispensaries across the state post warnings about the effects of marijuana on pregnant women.
Smart Colorado a group dedicated to protecting youth from marijuana is even offering to send signs to all of the 774 dispensaries statewide.
According to the U.S. Attorney General as well as others in the medical field, it is not safe for a baby if the mother is using marijuana in any form. Dispensaries, however are touting the effects cannabis has on "morning sickness".
The active chemical in marijuana, THC, has been reported to be bad for babies and Smart Colorado wants to make sure the signs they are sending out to report this are getting to all of the dispensaries they can.
According to the Director of Smart Colorado, Henry Lasley:
“We determined that the state was not providing signage to help Colorado’s marijuana businesses comply with the new law requiring the warning signs so we took the initiative to mail out signs at no cost to the dispensaries,It’s important that these fact-based warning messages be prominently placed to counter widespread misinformation that puts the littlest Coloradans at risk.”
Start looking for these signs on New Years Day in many of the Colorado dispensaries.