Colorado’s Picks For The Best of +85 Oreo Cookie Varieties
Today, Monday, March 6, 2023, is National Oreo Cookie Day. Visit your local Colorado grocery store and you'll find more varieties of Oreos than you can imagine. Since most of us can't afford to buy them all, which variety is your pick?
At last count Oreo cookie varieties include regular, Double Stuf, Mega Stuf, More Stuf, Thin, Mint, and a wide variety of other flavors. This, of course, if before you take into account Oreo ice cream cookies and cones, not to mention the infinite ways you can prepare an oreo (fried, truffle, etc.) When you celebrate National Oreo Cookie Day, what's your pick for the best of the best? I asked on Facebook, and here's a look at Western Colorado's picks for the best Oreos.
National Oreo Cookie Day
The website Holiday Insights reports that National Oreo Cookie day is always celebrated on March 6.
Invention Of The Oreo Biscuit
Can you believe the Oreo has been around for over a century? The "Oreo cookie" was invented in 1912 by Sa J. Porcello, a scientist at the National Biscuit Company (Nabisco). Back then, it was the Oreo Biscuit. As time went by, it became the "Oreo Sandwich," and then the "Oreo Cookie." Today, most refer to it as the "Oreo."
We Are All Things Grand Junction: Check out
Varieties of Oreo
Visit your local grocery store and you may find yourself overwhelmed with options when it comes to the Oreo. You have the option of various, shall we say "thickness" of Oreo, not to mention flavor varieties. This, of course, is before you take into account the various spinoffs and store brand options of the cookie.
Oreo Cookie Varieties
Pay a visit to the official Oreo cookie website, and you may be blown away by the options. There are more variations on the cookie than you can imagine. A few examples would include:
- Oreo Toffee Crunch Chocolate Sandwich Cookies
- Oreo Chocolate Hazelnut Flavored Creme Sandwich Cookies
- Oreo Java Chip Flavoared Creme Sandwich Cookies
- Oreo Mint Favored Creme Chocolate Sandwich Cookies
- Oreo Chocolate Sandwich Cookies, Birthday Cake Flavored Creme
- Oreo Chocolate Creme Cholocate Sandwich Cookies
- Oreo Dark Chocolate Sandwich Cookies
- Oreo Chocolate Peanut butter Pie Sandwich Cookies
- Oreo Chocolate Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookies
- Oreo Caramel Coconut Flavored Creme Chocolate Sandwich Cookies
- Oreo Golden Sandwich Cookies, Lemon Flavored Creme
- The Most Oreo Oreo Limited Edition Cookie's-N-Creme Cookies
- Oreo Gluten Free Mint Creme Chocolate Sandwich Cookies
- Oreo Cakesters Soft Snack Cakes
- Oreo Thins Extra Stuf Chocolate Sandwich Cookies
- Oreo Toffee Crunch Chocolate Sandwich Cookies
- Oreo Double Stuf Gluten Free Chocolate Sandwich Cookies
- Oreo Gluten Free Chocolate Sandwich Cookies
- Oreo Chocolate Sandwich Cookies
- Oreo Double Stuff Chocolate Sandwich Cookies
- Oreo Mega Stuf Chocolate Sandwich Cookies
- Oreo Golden Sandwich Cookie
- Oreo Gold Double Stuf Sandwich Cookie
- Oreo Golden Sandwich Cookies, Lemon Flavored Creme
- Oreo Chocolate Creme Chocolate Sandwich Cookies
- Oreo Dark Chocolate Sandwich Cookies
There are actually a frew more varieties, but I'm starting to get a cramp in my hand, so if you don't mind, I'll stop here.
Brands With Cookies Similar To The Oreo
Shop your favorite stores, and you'll find brands offering similar cookies. Wally World offers the "Twist & Shout," while Kroger carries "Kaleidos."
Take Your Pick
The website Medium compiled a list of over 85 Oreo varieties. Given the extraordinary number of options you have to choose from, you should have not trouble finding a favorite.
Before the day is over, take a moment to celebrate National Oreo Cookie Day. The gallery below contains a rundown of the most popular varieties as selected by residents of Western Colorado.