Elk Surround Vehicles On Colorado Highway + Charged at Truck
Rut season is upon us once again in Elk Country and they're in no mood for shenanigans from us humans.
Every year from early to mid-September through October and even into early November during elk rut season (their mating season) the females get frisky and the males get cranky and aggressive and this is no time to test their patience.
Male elk can reach up to 700-800 pounds while females can get to be anywhere between 500-600 pounds and they can reach speeds of up to 35 mph per hour so it's best if you stay as far away from these things as possible but sometimes, run-ins can happen in an instant whether it be out on various trails, or even a busy spot like Highway 34 in Estes Park.
Kris Hazelton from Estes Park News captured this crazy video over the weekend
“A big huge herd bull was herding his cows and calves right in the middle of Highway 34 and he was right in the middle of the lane when the cars were stopping,” Hazelton said, “and the car right in front of us and the bull elk just kind of seemed to single him out, and he ran right up to it.”
No fear at all from the elk and that's from a 2000 plus pound truck so this just goes to show you just how cranky and crazy these animals get during rut season.
Whether you're new to Colorado or have been here all of your life, it's always good to get a refresher on keeping yourself and others safe while viewing these incredible creatures with the most important thing being to keep your distance.
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