Check Out The Mesa County Health Needs Assessment
In order to fix what's broken or not working, you first have to find out why.
The Mesa County Needs Assessment does just that.
The document goes over many things in the community that need fixing, then goes about telling us how it can be fixed.
By focusing on various social and community inequities, this assessment pays special attention to emerging public health practice. We believe that in order to solve our most difficult public health challenges it is imperative to understand the population groups experiencing significant differences in health outcomes and the barriers impeding their access to resources and opportunities. This upstream approach to health will result in the development and implementation of targeted and sustainable strategies.
Understanding the social factors goes a long way towards determining what is not quite right in the community then gives thoughts on solving it.
For example, the areas of concern break down inequality at the social and institutional inequities like age barriers, educational levels and the capacity for the community to address and meet those needs. It then gives suggestions, throughout the document, on how we can successfully address those needs.
If you want to know what needs to be addressed and how soon, check out the assessment.
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