Bob Grant Photos – Grand Junction Downtown Merchants of the 1940’s & 50’s [VIDEO]
This busy holiday shopping season, remember to shop your favorite Grand Junction downtown merchants. Keep in mind, many of these merchants have been serving Western Colorado for decades. To prove that point, check out these Robert Grant photos of Grand Junction downtown businesses from the 1940's and 50's.
The opening shot of Main Street, looking West, was taken from the top of the old Daily Sentinel building when it was still on the Northwest corner of 7th and Main, just across form the Avalon Theater. The closing shot is from the same location, but at street level.
Inspired by this weekend's Parade of a lights, a few shots of downtown Grand Junction parades have been included.
In this case, the old saying applies - "The more things change, the more they stay the same." It really doesn't look that much different, does it?
This holiday season, you have a chance to win a $200 shopping spree from one of your favorite Grand Junction downtown merchants. Get registered for our "12 Days of Christmas" contest.