A lot of Coloradans were worried about this Amendment passing because they are afraid of their kids having access to drugs. It didn't stop us when we were kids. If your kids are going to smoke, they are going to find a way to get it either way. Now they can get it from a legit source and not a shady drug dealer -- only if they are 21 or older.


Colorado will tax this industry which will bring in more tax dollars for Colorado. Instead of an underground system that is tax free, you have a system that will now be regulated, and taxed. This will also take away from spending tax dollars on trying to bust and stop the use of marijuana.

Some Colorado business owners will now be giving piss test to employees because of this new Amendment. Which means for the smokers that are already employed, they now have to quit or find a way around passing the piss test. We will most likely see a big increase in drug testing in the work place.

Marijuana good for medical uses

People with Medical issues that can be cured or prolonged by Marijuana have access to it now. A lot of Coloradans suffer diseases that are extremely painful. These patients will now have access to Marijuana to be used as a pain killer or sedative.

This doesn't mean that cafe's are going to pop up all over the state. We will be nothing like Amsterdam. The truth is that it is still illegal according to federal law so the feds could kick down the door of any establishment at any time and shut them down.

If you would like more info on this subject we have a similar story written by Mackenzie Dodge. She talks about the hemp production, the medical uses, the employment issues and the workplace issues.

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