11 Colorado Ghost Towns that are Shells of their Former Selves
WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.
Because of Colorado's rich history, you'll find countless abandoned ghost towns across the state that are shells of their former selves. Many of these ghost towns were once booming mining towns that either went away when the mines dried up, were evacuated because of contamination, or some other factor caused them to be completely abandoned.

Keep scrolling to learn about 11 Colorado ghost towns, take virtual tours, and check out some of the buildings that are still standing after being abandoned for numerous years.
11 Colorado Ghost Towns that are Shells of Their Former Selves
Colorado has a plethora of old towns that are currently uninhabited and have buildings that have not been kept up or repaired in years.
The biggest of Colorado's ghost towns is Ashcroft, located just outside of Aspen and at its prime, was home to over 2000 people. This is one of the few ghost towns where you're not only allowed, but encouraged to visit.
However, on the other end of the spectrum is the ghost town of Gilman, Colorado. Gilman was a mining community located between Minturn and Leadville and was abandoned because the water was contaminated. It's illegal to trespass in Gilman but the widespread graffiti suggests that those rules aren't always followed.
We'll also check out some buildings in the ghost towns of Red Mountain, Ironton, Last Chance, and many more and even take virtual tours of places that you should absolutely not visit in real life.
11 Colorado Ghost Towns that are Shells of their Former Selves
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