5 Reasons to Join Mesa County Libraries Summer Reading Program
With the school year coming to an end, are you concerned the kids will spend the summer vegetating in front of the TV? Don't worry, the Summer Reading program at Mesa County Libraries is coming soon.
Should you get your kids involved in the program? Here are five rock solid reasons why they should enroll right now.

Here's What You'll Do
Kids, teens, and adults will have fun pursuing their reading goals. While you're at it, you can win prizes in the bi-weekly drawings.
The Mesa County Libraries webpage states:
This summer you will track your reading and activities online, earning points along the way. No paper log is required! Participating online lets you see the points you’ve earned, collect virtual badges for your accomplishments, and automatically enter prize drawings as you reach milestones throughout the summer!
The Summer Reading Schedule for 2021
The event gets underway Tuesday, June 1, and ends Saturday, July 17.
Special Features for 2021
Here's a list of fun things you'll do with this program:
● Special summer Take and Make kits for kids and teens
● Virtual and hands-on Summer Reading Experiences for kids on topics like music, ocean science, and magic
● An online looping-music demonstration
● Outdoor, in-person children’s storytimes to be held throughout Mesa County
● Weekly prize drawings for kids, teens, and adults
● Participate in the library’s new Mirrors and Windows Reading Experience – it counts for Summer Reading, too!
Who Gets to Participate?
This is open to all ages. There's no charge. You don't even need a Mesa County library card to participate. You will need a library card if you want to check out materials.
Waylon's Top Five Reasons Why You Should Join This Program
With a little help from the American Library Association, here are my top five reasons why you should be a part of the Mesa County Libraries Summer Reading Program:
- Reading over the summer will help you keep your reading skills up
- If you're a "reluctant" reader, you may find new motivation in this program's activities
- You may find an all-new interest in library books
- This program might encourage you to make reading a lifelong habit
- This could provide a new opportunity for family time
Registration begins June 1, 2021, at mesacountylibraries.org and at all library locations. June 1 may seem like a long way down the road, but it really isn't. Don't get too comfortable with summer break. Keep your reading momentum up and make the most of your Mesa County Libraries.