YOU Could Design the Colorado Drivers License Background
If you are a good artist or just enjoy being creative you have an opportunity to design the Colorado Drivers License background. The Iconic Colorado Contest is calling all artists to create something unique and transform the colorado drivers license into a work of art.
If you have ever looked at the back of your Colorado driver's license and thought you could create something that looks better and does a better job representing our state of Colorado this is your chance. This really is a once in a lifetime opportunity for one artist, as your name and artwork could appear on all driver's licenses and identification cards in Colorado beginning in July of 2021.
This contest is open to anyone who lives in the state of Colorado. If you are under the age of 18, then parental consent is needed to enter. Entry forms can be found here, terms and conditions are here, then send completed entries to
It is free to enter the contest, and here is a template to help you create a design that will be accepted as an entry for the contest.
The judging criteria include:
- How well the artwork captures Iconic Colorado
- Artistic quality and originality of subject matter
- How well the design fits in a drivers license design
Up to ten finalists will be selected by 10-9-2020, the top three will move on to the next round by 10-16-2020. Public voting for the final design will begin at 8 a.m. on Monday, October 19th, 2020, and close at 5 p.m. on Friday, October 30th. Good Luck!